Boundary Markers - Best Price

Boundary Markers - Review

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Keep Out - bounday markers magnetic strip can be cut to size to keep the Neato Robot from crossing over an area

Boundary Markers

Reviews of Boundary Markers

Not 4 Area Rugs
Rating by : Dal Renshaw "BeachBum", rating 3.0 of 5.0

The mag strip drives my Neato crazy. We have a large plush area rug that the Neato makes a mess of when it vacuums it... leaves grooves in the carpet from the wheels. Simple solution... right? Just surround it with two roles of the magnetic tape.

The XV-11 seems to know there is an area beyond the tape that it needs to get to. It bumps the mag tape, and proceeds to go around the taped off rug. Then is goes around it again, and again, and again. After a while it seems to get more and more persistent in it's attempts to get across the mag tape barrier, until it finally succeeds.

Of course once inside the taped area, it can't get out.

The magnetic tape is not a solution for keeping the vac off area rugs.

Set some boundaries for your Neato!
Rating by : Elizabeth, rating 1.0 of 5.0

These work well to keep the Neato robot from crossing into areas it shouldn't.

I do not have to lay them flat, even though Neato recommends laying them flat. If they are standing upright they usually work fine. My robot will usually "respect" the boundary marker and not cross it.

If your robot is not respecting the boundary marker, try laying it flat and moving it a few inches away from the object you want it to stay away from. The marker should not be directly next to the object.

Note: Occasionally my robot will push against the boundary marker and try to cross it or move the boundary marker. If this happens, laying it flat usually solves the problem. They are meant to be used flat and not upright as they are shown in the photo. For the most part, I use them upright and a few inches away from the object. My robot may push it around a bit but not cross it. In the rare cases it tries to cross it, I will lay it flat and that stops it.

This is one 15-foot strip boundary marker and can be cut to fit. The ones that come in the box with your Neato XV-11 or XV-21 are usually 6-feet-8-inches long.

The 15-foot ones also are fairly heavy, and will stay put, unless your Neato gets a little enthusiastic and pushes them out of position. In that case, you can tape the ends of the boundary marker to each other if the boundary marker is wrapped around an object such as a piece of furniture, or to the floor or carpet with masking tape if you are marking off an area such as curtains.

I recommend these if your Neato is going into an area you would like it to avoid, such as curtains, or an area with extension cords.

Price of Magnetic boundary tape cut in half
Rating by : Daniel Konieczka, rating 1.0 of 5.0

I found that you can cut the magnetic tape down the center and it will still work.
This means you get double the coverage for the same price.

5 stars. "Set some boundaries for your Neato!" These work well to keep the Neato robot from crossing into areas it shouldn't. I do not have to lay them flat, even ...

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Keep Out - bounday markers magnetic strip can be cut to size to keep the Neato Robot from crossing over an area Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed Page of ...

Boundary Markers

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